
You have to create a UserService and specify a userServiceClass in your moduleSettings. This UserService needs to have three methods, according to cbauth.interfaces.IUserService

interface {

	 * Verify if the incoming username/password are valid credentials.
	 * @username The username
	 * @password The password
	boolean function isValidCredentials( required username, required password );

	 * Retrieve a user by username
	 * @return User that implements IAuthUser
	function retrieveUserByUsername( required username );

	 * Retrieve a user by unique identifier
	 * @id The unique identifier
	 * @return User that implements IAuthUser
	function retrieveUserById( required id );

If you want to implement a UserService for cbauth combined with cbsecurity you will find your interface specification in cbsecurity.interfaces.IUserService. Methods in this spec are equal.

The user component returned by both retrieve... methods needs to respond to getId() as specified by the IAuthUser interface.

Combined with cbsecurity or cbguard you might have to specify additional methods for checking roles or permissions.

Last updated